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Subject: Ok, upgraded the software, sorry for the down time last night

Written By: jerkoff on 01/22/08 at 2:31 pm

Hopefully I can fix all the bugs as I find them. 

Please respond here and let know if you see any problems.

I know spell check still doesn't work, I'm going to see if my hosting provider is willing to turn it on for me.

Seems like there's some discussion going on lately too, I hope I didn't scare everyone away due to the upgrade.  Most of the enhancements in this new release are behind the scenes nut and bolts types of things.

Subject: Re: Ok, upgraded the software, sorry for the down time last night

Written By: jerkoff on 01/22/08 at 3:03 pm

it appears the custom coded stuff, like the highlighted topics and the karma stats are broken (again... sigh).  Typical, since the software authors are doing a ton of database changes, I need to figure out how they changed the calls again.

Subject: Re: Ok, upgraded the software, sorry for the down time last night

Written By: jerkoff on 01/22/08 at 7:08 pm

The front page birthday calender is not working quite right:

My birthday was adjusted to today: it should not read "upcoming birthdays".

(No b-day wishes please, my real b-day is in August)


does it do it the same way on that other messageboard?  I don't see any bugs logged for it at the site for the software

Subject: Re: Ok, upgraded the software, sorry for the down time last night

Written By: jerkoff on 01/22/08 at 7:50 pm

I posted a question anyways... let's see what they have to say...

Subject: Re: Ok, upgraded the software, sorry for the down time last night

Written By: jerkoff on 01/22/08 at 7:52 pm

I posted a question anyways... let's see what they have to say...

They said the info gets cached, so it won't change right away.

With the failed upgrade last night, maybe something didn't work right.  I set your birthday to tomorrow.  Let's check it again.

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