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Subject: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/21/07 at 1:59 pm

For those of you who stop in from time to time and even the guests (which I know there have been a few), if you want this board to remain, please post something-start a new thread or whatever. If not, this board will disappear. Tell your friends that we are here. Maybe we can resurrect it.


Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: Step-chan on 12/22/07 at 5:53 pm

I do have an idea for a thread.

I think the main board right here will do for it.

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 12/22/07 at 6:20 pm

I'll make a post when I can. Maybe we need a bit more than just "sex-talk". What other themes could be incorporated into an adult oriented forum?

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 12/22/07 at 6:23 pm

Of course, seeing as you can't just advertise this board anywhere, makes it hard to get new, non-Ito members.

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: Step-chan on 12/22/07 at 7:43 pm

I'll make a post when I can. Maybe we need a bit more than just "sex-talk". What other themes could be incorporated into an adult oriented forum?

That is a good question. I will try to think of something else.

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: jerkoff on 12/26/07 at 12:53 pm

I'm happy to wait and see if something develops if people are willing to put a little effort into keeping the board going.

I'm not sure what we can do to find more site visitors though.  The only site that links here so far is whatfreaks, and that site has little to no traffic since you know who killed it a few years ago. 

I was thinking that it might be useful to have a link directory, as a destination for the domain, so that maybe people checking out the link directory of adult topics would also hang around the messageboard.  The link directory software might be too primitive for that, and maybe I'm just producing something that exists a hundred times over anyways.  Most of the link directories are filled with spam content and misleading links that are paid for.  So I thought a good directory that isn't bought and paid for might attract attention.  It doesn't need to be just porn either.  It's also something I might be able to put ads on to help pay for the server, so that would be a plus. 

I'm just not sure what we can do here to be unique compared to all the other sites out there right now.  That's what I'm fishing for here, what can we do better, or what isn't being done already.

it might help to also pick out some highlighted topics for the front page.  I was going to set it up similar to the other board, where the front page to the forum has highlighted posts.  Right now it's just a couple topics I pulled at random so the software could get tested.

getting a forum started from scratch like this one, is pretty hard and impossible to do without lots of feedback.  a community is only as good as it's members want it to be.

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: Step-chan on 12/26/07 at 7:04 pm

It is hard to figure out what to type of topics can be done here that aren't sex but couldn't be done on the cousin boards.

I'm kinda stumped, but I'll post as often as I can.

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: jerkoff on 12/27/07 at 4:13 pm

I was looking through the admin page and noticed that guests cannot post at all.  I've allowed them to post new topics and reply to any topic - people might be more encouraged to become members if they can "test the waters" first.

'course, there is a decent chance it'll increase spam here, but I can deal with that :grin:


hmmm... that was a mistake on my part.  I think the captchas are on for guest posts, so the spam shouldn't be too hard to contain.

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: Step-chan on 12/29/07 at 7:05 pm

I do have an idea for another thread... It's another sex theme. Don't know which board to put it on yet(Should probably put it on the general board).

I'll start it tomorrow.

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: Sugar Kane on 01/05/08 at 10:04 pm

We need politics in here,everything goes,right? None of that "no personal attacks" rule here?

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: Poisoned Eros on 01/07/08 at 6:44 pm

Please, no personal attacks.  I've been on boards where "flaming" was allowed and it always made things unpleasant.  Personal attacks, BTW, never read like "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf," they tended to spiral downwards into neanderthal grunts:

"You suck!"
"No YOU suck!"
"Fuck you!"
"Fuck you too!"
"Fuck your mother!"
"No fuck YOUR mother!"

and so on and so on and so on....

That's a guaranteed way to alienate people.

It essential that people feel secure and comfortable if we are going to talk frankly of sex.  It is a sensitive topic for one and all.  If you think it isn't for you, I can prove you wrong in two minutes.  People must not feel they are going to be ridiculed or censured if they reveal highly personal information about sex.

If a member starts talking about sex with children or committing other criminal acts, such as rape, that's a different matter.  That person should be banned from the board pronto.  I hope we won't have to deal with that of course. 

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: Danoota on 01/13/08 at 11:16 am

I'm here, now what?

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/13/08 at 2:36 pm

I'm here, now what?

Yay! Now start posting.  :D :D :D


Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: Poisoned Eros on 01/14/08 at 8:35 pm

Just thougth I'd throw this out for consideration.

It is possible this board as is has limited success potential.  Reviewing the threads I see they don't tend to get a lot of responses even among the small pool of members. 

Let's be candid, a lot of this stuff simply isn't very interesting and there's not a great deal to say about it. 

The heavily-trafficked sex-oriented forums I've seen tend to be based on pornography, full of ads and pop-ups, and populated almost entirely by men.  The administrators can afford the bandwidth because of ad revenues.  We certainly don't want to see NP go in THAT direction. 

I have visited other forums focused on sexual health and advice and others for survivors of sexual abuse.  These are the other end of the spectrum from the porn forums, sober and serious. 

It seems NP would like to have both naughty fun and serious discussions. 

Sex is a two-edged sword (ahem!) for many people.  At the same time as sex is alluring and fun as a topic, it's also a source of bitterness and pain from past experiences.  That sums it up for me at least.  Some of points-of-view might offend others, so I'm cautious.

Things to consider...

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: Step-chan on 01/14/08 at 10:36 pm

That considered, I have tried to start threads that might be of interest.... But it's very trial and error with me. I think I might have started too personal of a thread at one point.

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: jerkoff on 01/15/08 at 10:54 am

The thing is being able to get new members and keeping them. If doesn't really matter what features we offer if we can't do this.

it's both really.  If you don't have anything to attract members, they won't come.

It is possible this board as is has limited success potential.  Reviewing the threads I see they don't tend to get a lot of responses even among the small pool of members. 

Let's be candid, a lot of this stuff simply isn't very interesting and there's not a great deal to say about it. 

entirely likely.  how many times can you say good joke to a joke thread right?

The heavily-trafficked sex-oriented forums I've seen tend to be based on pornography, full of ads and pop-ups, and populated almost entirely by men.  The administrators can afford the bandwidth because of ad revenues.  We certainly don't want to see NP go in THAT direction. 

While I don't want the board itself to host pornography, I have no objections to people linking to it or even setting up a separate area strictly for linking to it.  What I'm trying to avoid, is people using the attachment function to store their personal porn collection, because that would become unmanageable quickly, and even possibly cause legal issues with the rights holders.

I have visited other forums focused on sexual health and advice and others for survivors of sexual abuse.  These are the other end of the spectrum from the porn forums, sober and serious. 

It seems NP would like to have both naughty fun and serious discussions. 

yes.  that would be a good mix.  Sexual abuse survivors might not feel comfortable in an atmosphere like that, but I don't think sexual health/advice would feel out of place.  Think Loveline with Adam Carolla for an example.

Maybe we could have one board which is a no fun type of zone... strictly serious discussions or something.

I'm willing to keep the site going for as long as people are still willing to try and find something that works here, or at the very most another year.  If we can't figure out a niche after a year, I think we're just spinning our wheels trying to fill a void that doesn't exist.

In addition to the forum, I've thought of writing some utilities for porn fiends to use when surfing... stuff like fusker, where maybe you stick in a URL in a form and it returns a list of all the pictures and file sizes, so you can easily select which ones to grab for download.  If there was some stuff like that on the server that I could write that would attract people, it might bring people to the site as well as provide a spot to run ads and keep the discussion boards cleaner.

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: Poisoned Eros on 01/16/08 at 1:28 am

^ Thanks for your thoughts, J.O.  I didn't mean to sound like I was putting down the board.  I just wanted to be plain-spoken about the issues.  It's hard to solve problems if we're not willing to say what they are.

Subject: Re: SAVE THE BOARD!!!!

Written By: jerkoff on 01/16/08 at 10:01 pm

^ Thanks for your thoughts, J.O.  I didn't mean to sound like I was putting down the board.  I just wanted to be plain-spoken about the issues.  It's hard to solve problems if we're not willing to say what they are.

not at all... I welcome the feedback, especially since the board is having a hard time getting off the ground lately.

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