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Subject: Odd Thoughts For The Day
Written By: Red Ant on 09/20/07 at 4:40 pm
Every board needs a thread like this.
I'll start: I was watching TV the other day, and they showed this old-timey looking enormous scale, made by "Toledo". Is this where the phrase "Holy Toledo!" originates? I could see a really huge person stepping on the scale and the doctor goes "Holy Toledo!".
Subject: Re: Odd Thoughts For The Day
Written By: Poisoned Eros on 09/26/07 at 12:15 am
OTftD: Does the position you're in affect how much you ejaculate when you cum?
I dunno, I'll give it a shot!
OTftD: If incest is so bad, why did God start the human race with just one man and one woman? Maybe that explains a few things.
Like Lucifer. He was the one leaning over God's shoulder.
Lucifer: You know, G, I was looking over your code, and I think you need to start with like 100,000, not just two. It's the mutation thing.
God: What does it say on my name tag? You think I don't know what I'm doing? When I want your opinion I'll give it to you. Butt out.
Lucifer: I don't mean nothin'. I'm just saying in a few generations mankind will be stupid, funny-looking, and killing one another.
God: I said shut the fuck up!
Lucifer: OK, dildo, it's your party!
God: That's it, I was gonna make Arnie the Prince of Darkness, now you're going...
Lucifer: Cool with me.
Jesus: Yeah, dad? Huh? You're starting with just one man and one woman?
Subject: Re: Odd Thoughts For The Day
Written By: virgo69 on 10/04/07 at 9:59 pm
OTftD: I swear this is true: if you drink Guiness draught and forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed, you will NOT wake up with "fuzzy mouth". Why is that? Can anyone explain this phenomenon?
Because "Guiness is good for you"
Subject: Re: Odd Thoughts For The Day
Written By: Poisoned Eros on 10/06/07 at 11:46 pm
LOL! ^
Why does everyone bag on American beer?
If you don't bag it, the cops arrest you in the park.
A lot of dark beer like tastes like it might have been brewed directly from satan's asshole. Blech!
That would be a great name for a posh microbrew: "Satan's Asshole."
Why is Corona $9 a 6-pack? I like it okay (with lime), but holy crap that's a ridiculous price. I could buy REAL beer for that much. I thought Mexicans worked for cheap...
How they make Corona is they get 20 Chicanos to drink 100 cases of Bud Lite, and then piss in a vat!
OTftD: I swear this is true: if you drink Guiness draught and forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed, you will NOT wake up with "fuzzy mouth". Why is that? Can anyone explain this phenomenon?
Because Guiness is corrosive. Actually, I don't know. Here's something: Ever notice how clean your teeth the morning after you woof your cookies real hard--I mean with dry heaves and all? That's because corrosive stomach acids dissolve the tartar on your teeth. True. Bulemics develop severe dental problems after a while. Some people with long-term GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) have to get 'em all pulled out. Pretty nasty.
Subject: Re: Odd Thoughts For The Day
Written By: Step-chan on 01/29/08 at 9:39 pm
Here's a classic:
Why do they call it taking a dump instead of leaving a dump? I mean you're not taking it anywhere.
Subject: Re: Odd Thoughts For The Day
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/30/08 at 11:47 am
When a man cums, the technical term for it is seman. What is the technical term for a woman's cum? ???
Subject: Re: Odd Thoughts For The Day
Written By: virgo69 on 01/30/08 at 1:50 pm
So anyway I was looking aup prices for Kegelmaster on Amazon and spotted that one or two offered "2 used or new" Eeek. Who'd buy a used one of those?
Subject: Re: Odd Thoughts For The Day
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/30/08 at 6:10 pm
The fluid itself? The only technical term I know is "female ejaculate".
I'm talking the fluid. I'm sure there is a name for it but hell if I know. I thought about asking the doc the last time I went for my annual but I was too embarrassed to ask. :-[ :D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Odd Thoughts For The Day
Written By: Step-chan on 01/30/08 at 7:14 pm
Why do they call it a boner when there is no bone involved? :D
Subject: Re: Odd Thoughts For The Day
Written By: Step-chan on 02/06/08 at 9:13 pm
I'm talking the fluid. I'm sure there is a name for it but hell if I know. I thought about asking the doc the last time I went for my annual but I was too embarrassed to ask. :-[ :D ;D ;D
I only seen "vaginal fluid" when I looked it up.
I'm surprised that they don't seem to have a scientific term.
Edit: Took out a second term.
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