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Subject: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Red Ant on 08/27/07 at 6:16 pm
The idea is to post a question starting with "Would You..." (wouldja!) and let the next person answer it.
Would you have sex with someone while others are watching?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 08/27/07 at 6:42 pm
Wouldja! have sex on the lawn, in sub-zero temperatures, in the middle of the winter, at the coldest part of the day?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/27/07 at 6:56 pm
Wouldja do it while on the phone with your mother-in-law and when she asks if you are ok tell her that you are just moving some heavy boxes??
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/28/07 at 12:40 am
Easilly done, Seeing that I'm a virgin ;)
Would you have sex with somebody 30 years older or younger than you? And which... Older OR Younger?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/28/07 at 12:57 am
Of course...
(I just wouldn't let them know about it. It's not like I'm marrying them or anything of the sort, and since I'm in college and I can easilly get away with things such as that)
Would you have sex with a person with a disability, such as blind, deaf, or mute?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/28/07 at 1:53 am
Yes definitely!
Would you toss off or help yourself out after reading some of the threads on this forum?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/28/07 at 3:06 am
Definitely not weird!
I asked because after discussing the whole Wedge thing, it got me to thinking about the relations with hubby - to which would be an ok thing to 'jill' off to, if you will. I didn't, but it did take me the better part of an hour to fall asleep!
Wouldja like to buy an "O"?
Circular and sweet
"O" looks just like a donut
Really good enough to eat
It'll cost you just a nickel
a nickel?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/28/07 at 11:17 pm
Well now that I freaked everyone out so much so that they don't want to play this game - I shall start it all over!! ;D
Wouldja allow food to be put in your anus? (Fruit cocktail anyone?) ;D
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 08/29/07 at 12:20 am
No. I don't like shit flavoured fruit.
Wouldja get your penis/tits enlarged?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 12:26 am
No - although I thought about a breast reduction
Wouldja let a dog lick peanut butter off of any body part - ie. House episode ;D
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 08/29/07 at 12:28 am
No. Definitely not the penis area. :o
Wouldja get a sex change? :-X
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 12:30 am
Hell nah! Love being a woman!
Wouldja ever star in a porn movie?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 08/29/07 at 1:10 am
Gone 22, so 1 more ain't gonna hurt! :D Masterbation doesn't count, does it? ;D
Wouldja have sex with someone 3 times your age? (eg: if you're 30, 30x3=90. In case math isn't your strong point)
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 08/29/07 at 1:27 am
22 Years w/o sex? Please tell me you're 22 years old. :D
I'm 22. I've had girlfriends, but I've never gone "all the way". :-\ :D
And to answer ur question... 15+ years younger than me = 7 or less. Soo... no thankyou. :o
Wouldja...become a virgin for life?
Wouldja give up sex for the rest of your life?
EDIT: can't become a virgin ::)
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/29/07 at 10:02 am
Would you work as a gynecologist?
Probably not.
Does reading some of the threads on this board make you hot?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 10:37 am
Does stripping for hubby count?? ;D
But seriously, No
Wouldja allow other people to watch?
I had to poke you for the thought of letting someone take a scalpel to such a lovely pair of breasts. >:( ;)
That is so not fair!!! I have a sciatic nerve problem and when I was 180lbs the twins were making it worse!! :'(
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/29/07 at 10:40 am
Does stripping for hubby count?? ;D
But seriously, No
Wouldja allow other people to watch?
Nope-I'm a closet case prude. :D ;D ;D
Would you ever engage in a manage a troi?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/29/07 at 10:46 am
already have! ;)
Would you suck someone's toe?
It all depends on how their feet look and smell
All I know if somebody did it to me, I would be creeped out and probably pull a 40-Year Old Virgin. Meaning I would be so startled that I would kick her in the face.
Would you have sex with a friend's child if they were of age?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/29/07 at 10:47 am
It all depends on how their feet look and smell
All I know if somebody did it to me, I would be creeped out and probably pull a 40-Year Old Virgin. Meaning I would be so startled that I would kick her in the face.
Would you have sex with a friend's child if they were of age?
Have you ever done it on the dinning room or kitchen table?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 10:56 am
Yes and have many many times!
Wouldja allow the gift of a Pearl Necklace?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 11:02 am
Way to make me feel like an asshole, Tam. ;)
I stroked ya back so you have no pokes... though poking sounds better. :)
Didn't mean to make you feel like an asshole... just had to justify why.
Once I get the USB for the scanner - I have one pic left of me when I was over weight - I will be sure to post it ;)
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/29/07 at 11:04 am
Yes and have many many times!
Wouldja allow the gift of a Pearl Necklace?
Jewelry is always welcomed. (I'm assuming you mean in the conventional way ;) )
Wouldja ever "do it" with Bill or Hilary Clinton (your choice or both ;D )
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/29/07 at 11:10 am
Jewelry is always welcomed. (I'm assuming you mean in the conventional way ;) )
Wouldja ever "do it" with Bill or Hilary Clinton (your choice or both ;D )
God no!!!
Thunderthighs has to be one of the least attractive females on the planet!
Wouldja do it to somebody sleeping, if you got their consent ahead of time?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 11:12 am
Yep and I have!
Wouldja hang out on the set of a porn all day?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/29/07 at 11:15 am
Yep and I have!
Wouldja hang out on the set of a porn all day?
Like a movie set?
Yeah... I probably would, since I would honestly have nothing better to do
Talking about porn...
Wouldja ever consider being a pornstar?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 11:19 am
I am my hubby's pornstar and that's good enough ;)
Wouldja use ANYTHING that vibrates in order to get off?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/29/07 at 11:30 am
Not anything, no, but we've played with power toothbrushes and the cell phone set to vibrate before.
Would you do it in sand?
I know somebody who fucked on a beach, and I only heard bad things about it
I mean wearing a swimming suit sand gets everywhere, naked... That's just asking for trouble
If given the opportunity would you do with with your boss?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 11:33 am
Don't know if I would. I did have a boss who was hot as hell, but his ego turned me completely off!
Wouldja go under the table at a restaurant to eat "dessert"?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/29/07 at 11:40 am
Oh hell yeah!
Would you do it in a moving car?
As long as I'm the one driving.
I also had a friend who was the passanger of a car, while the driver of the car was giving head and using the gas pedal.
He used the stearing wheel in order to keep them on the road and not crashing into anything.
That seems a bit too dangerous for me, but if I was getting head while at the controls... I would be all for it.
Wouldja mess around in the pants of your partner during the Opera? Or any extremely formal event such as that?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 11:40 am
Yep and did it at one of our Balls a few years ago!
Wouldja do it on an old fashioned washing machine, with an uneven load during the spin cycle? LOL
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/29/07 at 11:46 am
Yep and did it at one of our Balls a few years ago!
Wouldja do it on an old fashioned washing machine, with an uneven load during the spin cycle? LOL
We used to have a machine like that-WHY didn't I think about that at the time? :-[
Answer-yes (if I thought about it)
Wouldja do it in an anti-gravity chamber?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/29/07 at 11:50 am
We used to have a machine like that-WHY didn't I think about that at the time? :-[
Answer-yes (if I thought about it)
Wouldja do it in an anti-gravity chamber?
THAT.... WOULD.... BE..... FUCKING.... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would you do in while riding a rollercoaster? Or at least attempt to do it, rollercoasters don't usually last that long...
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 11:59 am
No - I don't think he would like that too much
But we have done it the other way around ;)
Wouldja clean the wet spot when finished or just sleep in it all night?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 12:51 pm
I don't think so - I saw a porn once where the chick fed her breast milk to Jenna Jameson - kind of grossed me out!
Wouldja fake it?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/30/07 at 7:44 am
I doubt it
What would you do if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me? ;)
No, I heard you butcher "Fame" over the phone. Seeing it live shouldn't be that much worse. (Excellent question though Dark Beetle)
Would you do it in a Drive-In for a family video, where people could easily see you, and become curious about what's going on, because the windows are fogging up?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: BrotherFalco on 08/30/07 at 11:20 am
I would, but the wife hates the cold. da video cam to make yer own porno?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/30/07 at 11:36 am
Yep and have several times!
Wouldja eat celery until you shit green in order to make your sperm taste better?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/30/07 at 12:56 pm
Does that really work? Either way, the answer would probably stay as "No". I hate veggies, even ones of the celery sort. Unless it was like some special occasion, and I really wanted my sperm to taste better....... Like an anniversity or something like that.
Would you involve pain in love-making? If so... How much?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/30/07 at 1:00 pm
Of course.
Isn't that like every man's dream to have sex while watching ESPN?
Well.... In my case it would be "Scrubs"
But yeah, especially during the commercials. Something has to liven those up.
Talking about livening things up...
Wouldja have sex at a funeral?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/30/07 at 1:02 pm
Wouldja use raw meats during sex?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/30/07 at 1:37 pm
It would be kinda tricky, since sex involves a lot of rocking motions, and moving within a hammock is pretty difficult, thus having sex within a hammock would be nearly impossible.
Would you have sex in the ocean?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Tam on 08/30/07 at 1:44 pm
No - because having sex in water creates air pressure inside a woman and can burst one of her ovaries!
Wouldja wear someone else's panties or draws?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/30/07 at 9:38 pm
Yeah, At least on accident
My mom always switches up my underwear with my dad's when she does laundry, because we're the same size, and wear the same style of underwear.
That's not that strange....
Would you go back in time to sleep with somebody you might have had an oppertunity with?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: DocWoody on 08/31/07 at 6:57 am
Would you dominate your partner or vice versa?
Nah, we'd both just bust out laughing at how silly the whole situation was. She can't get serious in any sort of role playing scenario, she always laughs. The sight of me in a leather harness with a black hood on would probably have her in stitches for days! ;D
Wouldja go to a nudist resort and fully participate? (I would and have)
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: DocWoody on 08/31/07 at 11:29 am
Would you let someone tie you up?
Sure, as long as they didn't put my nuts in a vise or perform other testicular tortures!
Would you sleep with a friend's ex? Or your ex's friend?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/31/07 at 1:17 pm
My friend's ex: No, you got to respect the unwritten rule
My ex's friend: Maybe... I mean it would be good to get back at her, by sleeping with her friend (or sister for that matter), but things would get really awkward if all three of you end up being together doing something.
Would you have sex in the woods?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 08/31/07 at 2:06 pm
Yes, while camping.
Would you be a guest on a sex talk show?
Oh, Matthias, check your PMs.
That would make for a pretty boring show if I was on it ;)
Oh and Jack, you are one sick man, but your wife is hot.
Would you streak?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 09/01/07 at 3:13 am
If it's with a woman then yes. If it's some guy tapping his foot in the stall next to me then... NO.
Wouldja have sex with this woman:
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: BrotherFalco on 09/01/07 at 5:03 am
I could, but my wife would be highly upsot.
Wouldja...have sex with someone on this board, if the option existed?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: BrotherFalco on 09/01/07 at 8:50 pm
Na...the wife's afraid of ladders.
Wouldja....have sex in a restaurant?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 09/01/07 at 9:34 pm
Sure, It gives you something to do when you're waiting for your food to arrive. Unless you ordered something pretty big it could probably only be a quickie.
Would you have sex in a zoo?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: BrotherFalco on 09/02/07 at 4:48 am
Depends on the circumstances-
If we were stuck in an ice blizzard, with that as the only form of body heat generation/retention, then I'd consider it...
Wouldja...perform a "Bill Clinton" on your partner ("Monica Lewinsky" for the ladies)?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 09/04/07 at 12:13 am
Let's skip that one
Would you have sex in a gas station?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/04/07 at 1:15 am
Let's skip that one
Would you have sex in a gas station?
Gas, ass, or grass. Nobody rides free.
In a gas station meaning what?
In your car by the gas pumps?
Out of your car by the gas pumps?
In or out of your car employing the hose for gas pump?
In the repair shop on the hydraulic lift in your car?
In the repair shop on the hydraulic lift outside of your car?
In the convenience store after hours?
In the convenience store during hours?
All of the above?
None of the above?
Wouldja give/receive head while speeding down the interstate?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/04/07 at 1:45 am
Road head! Yes!
Wouldja streak a major thoroughfare? (assuming all those sex offender laws didn't exist)?
Actually, uh,...if I streaked through a major thoroughfare even more sex offender laws would exist!
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: BrotherFalco on 09/04/07 at 11:22 am
Pulling a "Bill Clinton"- using a cigar inside of a female.
Me- while I am fond of cigars now & then, I doubt I could do that.
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Sugar Kane on 09/04/07 at 5:06 pm
Sure,i'm quick anyway!
Woudja give up sex forever(even masturbation)for Bill Gates fortune?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/04/07 at 8:34 pm
no, I don't like the feel of vasoline.
Would you have sex in a walk in freezer?
My ex was a walk-in freezer!
Sure,i'm quick anyway!
Woudja give up sex forever(even masturbation)for Bill Gates fortune?
Even masturbation? No. It's impossible!
Wouldja rim Bill Gates nightly for access to his fortune?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/04/07 at 8:41 pm
He gave away 90% of it, but no way.
Wouldja sit on top of a photocopier and take pictures of your ass?
No. Well, yes, if I could make xmas cards out of it!
Wouldja jack off in somebody else's hot tub?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 09/04/07 at 9:32 pm
No. Well, yes, if I could make xmas cards out of it!
Wouldja jack off in somebody else's hot tub?
That is quite disgusting. I wouldn't even do that in my own hot tub (If I had one).
Would I fool around and/or have sex in a hot tub, by all means yes.
But to jack off in somebody else's hot tub is not only rude, but it's messy and gross.
Wouldja actually watch a porno in one of those projection booths at porn stores?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/04/07 at 10:03 pm
That is quite disgusting. I wouldn't even do that in my own hot tub (If I had one).
Would I fool around and/or have sex in a hot tub, by all means yes.
But to jack off in somebody else's hot tub is not only rude, but it's messy and gross.
Lemme check your logic--
Screwing in the hot tub is OK.
Jacking off in the hot tub is messy and gross.
It would appear you have a bias against jacking off rather than an objection to making a mess in the hot tub.
Of course, when I said "somebody else's hot tub," I didn't mean your best friend Larry's hot tub, I meant your boss' hot tub at the company party, or maybe your ex-wife's new husband's hot tub. Something like that!
Wouldja actually watch a porno in one of those projection booths at porn stores?
I did. That was in the pre-Rudy days when they still had 'em on 8th Avenue. If you're touring the Big Apple, you wanna see all the sights~
No, I didn't Pee-Wee Herman it. Then you might see the inside of a precinct holding cell, a sight you probably don't want to see!
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Sugar Kane on 09/05/07 at 4:19 pm
Wouldja jack off in somebody else's hot tub?
Of course,i always rent :D
Wouldja,last day of the world scenario,have sex with as many people as you could?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/05/07 at 8:22 pm
Of course,i always rent :D
Wouldja,last day of the world scenario,have sex with as many people as you could?
More like "any day of the world" scenario!
nah, I'm not a whore. ;)
Would you let a stranger put their tongue in your mouth?
Singular-plural disagreement. "His" never. "Her" depends.
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 09/05/07 at 11:32 pm
Oooooooooooh, That sounds like fun! Dangerous yes, but fun!
Would you have sex on your death bed?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Poisoned Eros on 09/06/07 at 12:57 am
Yes. What more could go wrong? lol
Wouldja have sex for political gain?
No. If we're talking sexual politics here, sex is the biggest bargaining chip.
I would not want anyone to have sex with me for political gain.
Wouldja have sex with an unconscious person if you knew neither the unconsious person nor anyone else would ever know?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 09/06/07 at 12:32 pm
It depends how into the moment I am, at least that's what I assume.
As a teenager Wouldja get horny reading those Health books when they showed pictures of nude bodies?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: DocWoody on 09/06/07 at 2:33 pm
As a teenager Wouldja get horny reading those Health books when they showed pictures of nude bodies?
Nah, I preferred the Sears catalog section on teen underwear ;-)
Wouldja try to peep in someone's window while they were changing/showering?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 09/06/07 at 5:42 pm
If I had a room next to somebody attractive and if it was possible to do it when not leaving the house (With or without binoculars). I wouldn't climb a tree or anything to do it.
Wouldja dress up as a Storm Trooper while having sex?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Sugar Kane on 09/06/07 at 6:05 pm
If I had a room next to somebody attractive and if it was possible to do it when not leaving the house (With or without binoculars). I wouldn't climb a tree or anything to do it.
Wouldja dress up as a Storm Trooper while having sex?
Just the helmet lol
Wouldja have sex on your parents bed (like that never happened lol))?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: DocWoody on 09/06/07 at 8:02 pm
Nah, it's too rickety. We'd probably break it.
Wouldja use fruit as a sex toy?
Yep, used cucumbers on both her and me :o
Wouldja let a small dog hump your foot to orgasm?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: DocWoody on 09/06/07 at 9:12 pm
Woulja use something odd like toothpaste or Noxema as a lubricant?
Get the fuck out! All I gotta say is "Burn baby Burn!"
Wouldja try to "rescue" a prostitute, help her find a place to stay and a straight job?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 09/06/07 at 9:44 pm
Get the fuck out! All I gotta say is "Burn baby Burn!"
Woulds try to "rescue" a prostitute, help her find a place to stay and a straight job?
If one of my friends turned out to be a prostitute then yes. If you're thinking I'm the Mother Teresa of Hookers then the answer is no.
Would you use a bottle, vegetable or any other random item as a penetration device?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 09/06/07 at 10:31 pm
Ewwww... I guess it depends on how dirty they are, but wouldn't you run out of saliva after awhile?
Wouldja participate in an orgy?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: BrotherFalco on 09/07/07 at 5:15 am
Depends- who's in it, is the wife participating with me, and are we all clean?
Wouldja...have sex with a news reporter?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Sugar Kane on 09/07/07 at 11:47 am
Depends- who's in it, is the wife participating with me, and are we all clean?
Wouldja...have sex with a news reporter?
Only if they left the mic and camera at the door.
Woulja,if no humans around,fuck a sheep?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Sugar Kane on 09/07/07 at 12:03 pm
Fuck ewe? Don't think so... it does raise an interesting question though: if you start fucking a sheep, and it doesn't walk away, is that consent?
If there were no legal repercussions whatsoever, wouldja kill a convicted child rapist and murderer?
If the sheep is of age,yes ;D
Maybe if he did it to me,but probably not.
Wouldja let your best friend watch you have sex with your partner?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Sugar Kane on 09/07/07 at 12:10 pm
If the wifey was cool with it, yes.
Wouldja intentionally walk around with (for the ladies) no bra and hard nips or (for the guys) a massive hard on?
If a girl goes braless and it gets cold,what is she suppose to do? Go home? ???
Wouldja fuck a doll?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Poisoned Eros on 09/07/07 at 9:02 pm
Ewwww... I guess it depends on how dirty they are, but wouldn't you run out of saliva after awhile?
That's when you call in the dawgs! Woof! Woof! Heh heh heh!
Woulja,if no humans around,fuck a sheep?
I've been known to fuck a human in the absence of sheep, oh Little Bo Peep!
Wouldja put condoms all over a coworkers desk as a prank?
Yes. If I liked the guy, clean.
If I hated the guy, soiled.
Wouldja trust your woman to shave your balls?/would you trust yourself to shave your man's balls?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Poisoned Eros on 09/07/07 at 9:17 pm
yes, I've done it before.
Would you have sex in a mud puddle?
Maybe. You hafta be more specific...where is the mud puddle located and who would be my mud puddle paramour?
Wouldja dress up like a famous dictator for bedroom kicks?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: BrotherFalco on 09/08/07 at 4:50 am
No, but you would....matie.
Wouldja...dress like the Pillsbury Doughboy, just so you could be called "Poppin' Fresh"?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 09/08/07 at 9:20 am
No, but I would dress like Papa Smurf so I could be called "Big Papa"
Would you hide behind bushes waiting for a moment to jump out with some perverted saying when the moment's right?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Poisoned Eros on 09/08/07 at 2:42 pm
No, but you would....matie.
Wouldja...dress like the Pillsbury Doughboy, just so you could be called "Poppin' Fresh"?
A lot of guys look like the Pillsbury Doughboy already, all they need to do is greas up and roll in flour.
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 09/10/07 at 9:11 pm
No, but I would dress like Papa Smurf so I could be called "Big Papa"
Would you hide behind bushes waiting for a moment to jump out with some perverted saying when the moment's right?
No. I'd get put on the S.O. list faster than a person on death row gets executed. (or something like that)
Would you re-use an already used condom (of yours)?
That's kinda sick, but someone had to ask
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: little_devil_rider` on 09/10/07 at 10:33 pm
since im only 18 i have to co with older
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 09/10/07 at 11:12 pm
As expensive as condoms are, it's a valid question.
They give 'em out free here.
"Wouldja do it with mirrors? "
Now theres an interesting one. I'm not entirely sure how you mean. Like, masterbating in front of a mirror? If thats what you mean then, God no! (Some people have some odd fetishes :o)
OK, a non sex question for a change.
Wouldja pee in someone's drink without telling them? (Assuming "someone" is a person you despise) Then try not to laugh as you watch 'em gulp it down?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Sugar Kane on 09/11/07 at 5:05 am
No way,i have however spit on someone's drink,yeah don't "piss off the waitress" :D
Woudlja join the "mile high club"?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 09/11/07 at 3:19 pm
In a heartbeat, I know somebody who owns a jet. It could be easilly done. Privet Jets count don't they? I heard it's not that satisfying though, my friend who has joined the Mile High club said that she got naucious, but I go by the rule don't knock it till you try it. Expecially when it's involving sex.
Would you have sex in a mourge?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: BrotherFalco on 09/13/07 at 12:03 pm
In a morgue?
Only if I were stiffer than the "residents".
Wouldja...attend a "furpile"?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Sugar Kane on 09/13/07 at 5:27 pm
I once tried,i almost lost my pussy :o
Leave it to the pros,i say.
Wouldja tattoo your partners name?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 09/13/07 at 6:26 pm
No, but only because I don't like pain, and I'm afraid of getting a tattoo
Would you get a Prince Albert? Or if you're a girl your pussy peirced?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Poisoned Eros on 09/15/07 at 1:07 am
Wouldja run a swing club? ;D
Sure! Drinks are on the house!
(As much as I like to swing my club, I don't think I'd join a swing club!)
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Sugar Kane on 09/19/07 at 4:12 pm
Wouldja run a swing club? ;D
Sure,if it payed well enough.
Woudja let someone fuck you for money?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Matthias on 09/25/07 at 4:13 pm
I would sell them on eBay, but like Hell would I buy them on eBay!!! Ewwww!!! Used sex toys!!!
Heh, would you buy a sex toy on eBay? ;)
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Poisoned Eros on 09/26/07 at 12:00 am
No, not even lingerie.
Wouldja have sex with someone of the same sex?
Nope. Just not my bag.
Would you mix jizz into an alcoholic beverage? You know, a White Russian or something.
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Sugar Kane on 09/26/07 at 4:04 pm
No way.
Would you fuck a inflatable doll?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Sugar Kane on 09/26/07 at 4:30 pm
Ah, semantics gets me again. Nope - maybe one of those $7k "real" dolls...
Wouldja take naughty pictures of yourself in one of those instant photo booths?
Yes,i did that but not alone ;)
Wouldja do a sex video and put it on youporn,if your faces weren't visible?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Poisoned Eros on 09/26/07 at 9:18 pm
Yes,i did that but not alone ;)
Wouldja do a sex video and put it on youporn,if your faces weren't visible?
If she was into it, I just might.
Wouldja download porn in a public place if you thought nobody was looking?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Sugar Kane on 10/08/07 at 7:10 pm
No. I don't have a laptop. ;D
Wouldja use a used bar of soap?
Depends who used it.
Wouldja date a relative?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Step-chan on 10/18/07 at 4:26 pm
No, not desperate.
Wouldja date Courtney Love?
(I think I know what answer will pop up)
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Step-chan on 10/20/07 at 4:36 pm
Wouldja fart during sex?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 11/06/07 at 5:40 pm
Can't really control a normal bodily function. Can't say it's a real fetish of mine though. :-X
Wouldja have sex blindfolded?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Step-chan on 11/07/07 at 3:08 pm
Maybe... But that might make it abit more quick.(Due to being more sensitive to touch when you can't see)
Wouldja let a girl peg you?(Do you anally with a strap on dildo)
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Step-chan on 11/17/07 at 5:31 pm
I don't know what you mean by that.... ???
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 11/17/07 at 11:24 pm
Depends how much liquor I'd had to drink. And how much money I had to afford in order to recover from said life threatening injuries that may occur.
Wouldja Kancho someone?
(these questions are getting rather strange... ::))
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Step-chan on 11/18/07 at 4:22 pm
I just looked that up, that's what Kakashi(From Naruto) calls "A Thousand Years Of Death"...
I can think of some people I would do that to, but more as a form of revenge.(Indiana Govern Mitch Daniels and President Bush are perfect targets for this)
I suppose the answer will be "no", but I was running out of questions to ask. :D
Definetly not.(I thought it was something far kinkier than that)
Wouldja do a rem job....(Eww.... Why did I ask that one?)
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 11/19/07 at 9:48 pm
Wouldja do it whilst watching the Game on TV?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Step-chan on 11/23/07 at 8:08 pm
No, I wouldn't be watching sports to begin with.(Not just because of having sex, but because of my lack of interest in sports)
Wouldja let yourself get spanked?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Step-chan on 11/26/07 at 8:24 pm
What is that, like boning her while she's sleeping? ;D
Wouldja call out sick from work to get laid?
A rem job is where you lick someone's anus, that's why I couldn't believe I asked that one. :P
Wouldja where your lover's underwear?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Poisoned Eros on 11/26/07 at 10:07 pm
Wouldja tell a doctor if you had ED?
At this point I have no sex life, and I'm cycling through one of pits of depression, so I wouldn't care much.
Otherwise, yes, I would tell a doctor. I would not tell my primary care doctor because she's a woman. I'm sure she would be understanding and helpful, but there are some things I'd rather discuss with a male doctor. And I wouldn't talk to some cocky 30-year-old intern either. I'd want to talk to a mature doctor...perhaps a fellow who could relate!
Wouldja order ED remedies via the Internet?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Step-chan on 12/02/07 at 10:08 pm
No way, mostly because I don't trust internet ordering.
I don't know if I should ask what I'm thinking of, I'll think of something else.
Wouldja dress like an animal?
^(This was not the question that I was nervous about)
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Step-chan on 01/14/08 at 11:01 pm
Answers my own question That depends...
Wouldja played Beat Em & Eat Em on the Atari 2600?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: NaughtyLibrarian on 09/17/08 at 5:43 pm
Nah, my friend and I have totally different tastes in men. And the one ex of hers that I could kinda relate to, seemed like a bit of a dick or at least treated her really badly. Not into the bad boy myself. ;D
Hmmm...what can I ask? *thinking* *thinking*
Ever done it in a library? ;)
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Step-chan on 04/10/09 at 2:26 am
Haven't done it yet.
Wouldja let someone spank you?
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: Jessica on 05/08/09 at 8:08 pm
Haven't done it yet.
Wouldja let someone spank you?
Would and have.
Wouldja continue to masturbate in broad daylight even if someone caught you doing it?
(brought to mind by THIS video)
Subject: Re: Wouldja? (Chain topic thread)
Written By: MadameA on 05/26/09 at 3:22 am
This is for the men out there: Wouldja ever get an orgasm out of a prostate exam?
Check for new replies or respond here...