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Subject: For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

Written By: Tam on 08/27/07 at 1:28 am

"Fuck" does NOT stand for "for unlawful carnal knowledge" or
"fornication under consent of the king".  It is not an acronym for
anything at all.

  It is a very old word, recorded in English since the 15th
century (few acronyms predate the 20th century), with cognates
in other Germanic languages.  The Random House Historical
Dictionary of American Slang (Random House, 1994, ISBN
0-394-54427-7) cites Middle Dutch _fokken_ = "to thrust, copulate
with"; Norwegian dialect _fukka_ = "to copulate"; and Swedish
dialect _focka_ = "to strike, push, copulate" and _fock_ = "penis".
Although German _ficken_ may enter the picture somehow, it is
problematic in having e-grade, or umlaut, where all the others have
o-grade or zero-grade of the vowel.

  AHD1, following Pokorny, derived "feud", "fey", "fickle", "foe",
and "fuck" from an Indo-European root _*peig2_ = "hostile"; but
AHD2 and AHD3 have dropped this connection for "fuck" and give no
pre-Germanic etymon for it.  Eric Partridge, in the 7th edition of
_Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English_ (Macmillan, 1970),
said that "fuck" "almost certainly" comes from the Indo-European
root _*peuk-_ = "to prick" (which is the source of the English words
"compunction", "expunge", "impugn", "poignant", "point", "pounce",
"pugilist", "punctuate", "puncture", "pungent", and "pygmy").
Robert Claiborne, in _The Roots of English: A Reader's Handbook of
Word Origin_ (Times, 1989) agrees that this is "probably" the
etymon.  Problems with such theories include a distribution that
suggests a North-Sea Germanic areal form rather than an inherited
one; the murkiness of the phonetic relations; and the fact that no
alleged cognate outside Germanic has sexual connotations.

Personally, I do not see the word Fuck as a curse word. We have become so desensitized to it. For years I believe that it was in fact an acronym only for to prove me wrong.

I thought I should post something about it because some members know me from another board, and they know where my faith lies - so for me to use this type of 'language' would deem me a hypocrite.

Are you completely desensitized to the point where it has become a regular part of your vocabulary?

Subject: Re: For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

Written By: Suq Madiq on 08/27/07 at 1:32 am

Well fuckin' A; I did not know that! :o

I just think it's funny that now my mom drops F-bombs like she's a sailor 'cuz she didn't say that much when I was a kid. :D

Subject: Re: For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

Written By: Tam on 08/30/07 at 11:56 am

George Carlin's take on the F-word is funny as fuck. If you haven't yet seen it, I suggest you start looking.

As an ex sailor, of course it's part of my vocabulary.  :D


It is an adjective, a verb and a noun when it comes to hubby! Actually, not so much anymore but at one time he was saying it so much he didn't even realize it!

Subject: Re: For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

Written By: BrotherFalco on 09/03/07 at 2:57 am

I admit, the "Big F" escapes my mouth more than it should...however, it is only done in the proper environments.
Having children, I do my utmost best not to use da word in their hearing.
Now, if I'm in a bar, and the BS is flying....or out here... ;D

And quite actually, I stroke Tam, for her historical accuracy. (Yes, I can say this...I am a historic freak, of sorts....see "Kama Sutra", and "1001 Arabian Nights")

Subject: Re: For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

Written By: Tam on 09/03/07 at 12:17 pm

And quite actually, I stroke Tam, for her historical accuracy. (Yes, I can say this...I am a historic freak, of sorts....see "Kama Sutra", and "1001 Arabian Nights")

Thank you Falco. I'll stroke you right back.

Thing is - I am the type of person that if I don't understand or don't know the answer, I will dig and dig until I find answers that make sense to me. Hubby calls me a vast book of useless knowledge, but hey! Enquiring minds want to know! ;)

Subject: Re: For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

Written By: Bobo on 09/03/07 at 3:55 pm

Mother was a very strict type. She'd grown up in an atmosphere where using curse language was almost impossible around her. In a way I'm certainly more free and feel safer to use language in a house (currently) of five people whose average age is still less than 21.

I don't know whether it's because I've become desensitized to the existence of such language, or whether I feel like there is no strict rule imposed in this place, but it's certainly an interesting point.

Subject: Re: For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/03/07 at 5:56 pm

Time, place, and manner is the measure for both the word and the act.

Thanks for clearing up the "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" bunkum.  I was surprised people still believed it. Such a canard was easier to maintain 40+ years ago when "fuck" wasn't allowed in the dictionary.  That's why all words should be in the dictionary because ignorance breeds idiocy.  A 24-year-old receptionist at work asked me about "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge."  I explained the truth to her and cautioned her about "Ship High In Transit."

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