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Subject: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: Suq Madiq on 08/26/07 at 11:36 pm

In certain circles I'm known as a Parking Garage lover. :D

Subject: Re: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: Tam on 08/26/07 at 11:41 pm

In a hosptial restroom

In my backyard and the front patio

At Six Flags - I won't name which one

On a dock in the middle of the lake in broad daylight!

Subject: Re: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: Suq Madiq on 08/26/07 at 11:42 pm

The other less crazy place would be in my pool.  With two different wimmins.  :o

But not at the same time.  The fantasy falls short.  :P

Subject: Re: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: Jessica on 08/27/07 at 9:38 am

At a middle school.

I also gave a coworker a handjob in the mail room back in the day.

Good times....

Subject: Re: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/27/07 at 2:35 pm

In a pool at a motel on a cold and rainy night (the pool was heated).

On deck of our boat in the middle of the lake in the middle of the day. We were drifting at the time. Afterwards, we noticed some guy on shore with binoculars.  :o :o  We gave him a free show.  :D :D


Subject: Re: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: Jessica on 08/27/07 at 9:04 pm

Oh crap. I thought of another. I had sex on my (at the time) future in-law's kitchen table. While they were upstairs.

And in their bathroom. And in their living room.

Subject: Re: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: Tam on 08/28/07 at 5:29 pm

Hubby reminded me today of the time we did it @ Disney World.
K - so that isn't really strange - but we sent the son to the pool by himself so we could do it! ;)

Subject: Re: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: thats_mistress_to_you on 10/16/08 at 12:00 am

let's see:

in a graveyard
in a storage shed
on a picnic table in the middle of the day at a park
at the drive-in, standing OUTSIDE of the car
in the backyard under the stars
in my parents basement
on the kitchen table

Subject: Re: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: Captain Bootylicious on 10/16/08 at 9:02 am

Hmm....have to say thrown over the kitchen counter with 4 guys in plain view sitting right outside the window (oblivious to it all...even hotter).

Subject: Re: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: Sugar Kane on 10/16/08 at 2:34 pm

Nothing too crazy.

Airplane, both on our seats and in the wc,ouch!
Changing rooms in various stores
On the beach in the water with loads of kids around
Movie theater,always a favorite cause i love movies.
At a bunch of friends houses,in their wc's and once in their bed,it was a round bed we had to try it.
Oh and several times at balconys of hotels and places i lived in.

Subject: Re: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: NaughtyLibrarian on 10/16/08 at 10:08 pm

I'm so totally boring.

I can only say that I've had sex in my library (after it was closed).

Sorry, I wish I were more titilating.  ;D

Subject: Re: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: MadameA on 05/31/09 at 10:07 pm

The craziest place I've had sex was in a Dumpster behind an office-supply store- which happened to be within walking distance of an all-night restaurant frequented by cops. Luckily, my partner and I were not discovered, and we climaxed and parted ways before any boys in blue found us. We were LUCKY!  :)

Subject: Re: Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Written By: Roxy on 02/11/10 at 1:32 am

Oh hell.  I used to be really into doing it in weird places...

The hood of my car in a neighborhood.  It was dark...but we were quite visible.  The next morning I went to work, and there was a perfect print of my ass, back, and head, and my partner's hands right there in the car dust for everyone to see.

The trunk of a car
A conference room table at a place I used to work
In a hotel bathroom with my in-laws in the hotel room
At a busy sailboat factory on the mast-making table
On a bus
On a rock in the middle of a waterfall/pond (when we finished we noticed a whole group of people standing around watching.  It was a very popular hiking spot.)  ;D
Over the kitchen sink
On my parents kitchen counter

That's all I can think of right now...

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