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Subject: Nice man gets eaten by big kitty
Written By: Fellow Traveller on 11/17/07 at 5:02 pm
Sup guys!
Warning: Extremely Graphic
It's an oldie but a goody.
Subject: Re: Nice man gets eaten by big kitty
Written By: Fellow Traveller on 11/24/07 at 4:16 am
Oh, he's already dead? I was thinking he was alive through it all which made the vid all the more horrifying...
The one vid I refuse to watch, and have refused to watch for a long time, is a feline snuff vid involving a wire mesh cage, a can of kerosene, a match, and a grinning tool...
Subject: Re: Nice man gets eaten by big kitty
Written By: Step-chan on 01/19/08 at 3:03 pm
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